'Ballet Pumps'. Sarah Deakin and Sandy Holden 2014

‘Ballet Pumps’. Sarah Deakin and Sandy Holden 2014

Place and Memory artists Amanda Burton, Sarah Deakin and Sandy Holden are to exhibit new work as part of Layer at The Tetley, running from 15 – 27 October 2014 (preview Wednesday 15th at 6.30), curated by Aidan Moesby.

'Map'. Sarah Deakin and Sandy Holden. 2014

‘Map’. Sarah Deakin and Sandy Holden. 2014

For Sarah and Sandy’s collaborative project ‘Duration’, durational drawings were made whilst travelling to and walking around The Hollies Garden in Weetwood, Ilkley Moor and  Water Lane in Leeds. OS maps show the route taken. The motion of the bus and train journeys were recorded on paper. Using fabric as paper and pens protruding from bags, the motion of walking each of the routes is recorded. The marked fabric pieces are made into ballet pumps, opening up the possibilities for further layers of movement and performance.

Microscope Series (Slide 1)

Microscope Series (Slide 1). Amanda Burton 2014

Amanda Burton’s contribution to Layers is recent work that has been created following on from her experiences and learning with the Place and Memory project. Two new large mixed media pieces from her new ‘Microscope Series’ use highly detailed repeating patterns and cellular forms, including real life cell structure imagery that is incorporated into the layered work. Linear decorations and patterns illustrate the bifocal nature of the pieces, offering both a microscopic and holistic viewpoint to the world as she views it. Moving away from highly coloured work, Amanda now explores creating depth by using monochromatic colour schemes and the layering of black and grey tones.

tubes 4

‘No man is an island’. Amanda Burton 2014

……………‘No man is an island’ is a piece about belonging, collective memory, about feeling a part and yet apart, and the artist’s connection to the city of Leeds and its people, inspired by a city view from the artist’s bedroom. The city can be seen as a layered microcosm, made up of individual memories, lives and crossing paths, synchronised to this one place. The tubes encapsulate places of meaning to the artist and by using old film negatives of photos taken of her travels in Leeds, the artist implants personal memories into the work. The piece is also a study of light, shadow, distortion and reflection.

The Place and Memory book.

The Place and Memory book (2014).

Amanda, Sandy and Sarah were invaluable contributors to the Place and Memory project, and their work can be seen in the Place and Memory publication, a text / image psychogeographical poem of the city of Leeds. The book is published by Gordian Projects and is available to buy here for just £5 (plus P&P).

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